Video index
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call: Quorum is Present - Meeting is in Session.
4. Proclamations & Presentations.
5. Approval of Minutes.
6. Reading of Communications.
7. Reports of Committees, Boards, Mayor’s Report, City Manager, Finance Director, Chief of Police, Zoning Inspector and Public Works Superintendent.
8. Public questions from residents (or representative) related to the above referenced reports. Questions may be limited to three (3) minutes.
9. Recognition of Persons Desiring to Appear Before Council.
A. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 1973-44 Rezoning Lots 398 To 407 And Lots 410 To 419 On North Hillside Road From R-1 (Single Family Residential) To R-2 (Single Family Residential).
B. An Ordinance Authorizing Change Order Number 1 For Kirila Contractors, Inc. (Bradford Dr. & Herbert Rd. Water Line Replacement)
C. An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Grant the Demolition of the Building at 280 Lisbon Street, Canfield, Ohio and to Declare said Ordinance an Emergency.
D. An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt the Current Replacement Pages to the Codified Ordinances.
E. A Motion Authorizing an Amendment to the School Resource Officer Agreement with Mahoning County Career & Technical Center (MCC&TC)
F. A Motion Amending A Contract Between the City of Canfield and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (Police Officers, Unit A; Dispatchers, Unit B; Lieutenants and Sergeants, Unit C) for years 2021,2022 and 2023.
G. A Motion Accepting the Water and Sanitary Sewer utilities for the land development plan known as Millennial Moments, Phase 1, located within the Millennial Moments JEDD Territory.
Aug 24, 2022 8-24-2022 City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance.
3. Roll Call: Quorum is Present - Meeting is in Session.
4. Proclamations & Presentations.
5. Approval of Minutes.
6. Reading of Communications.
7. Reports of Committees, Boards, Mayor’s Report, City Manager, Finance Director, Chief of Police, Zoning Inspector and Public Works Superintendent.
8. Public questions from residents (or representative) related to the above referenced reports. Questions may be limited to three (3) minutes.
9. Recognition of Persons Desiring to Appear Before Council.
A. An Ordinance Amending Ordinance 1973-44 Rezoning Lots 398 To 407 And Lots 410 To 419 On North Hillside Road From R-1 (Single Family Residential) To R-2 (Single Family Residential).
B. An Ordinance Authorizing Change Order Number 1 For Kirila Contractors, Inc. (Bradford Dr. & Herbert Rd. Water Line Replacement)
C. An Ordinance Authorizing the City Manager to Grant the Demolition of the Building at 280 Lisbon Street, Canfield, Ohio and to Declare said Ordinance an Emergency.
D. An Ordinance to Approve and Adopt the Current Replacement Pages to the Codified Ordinances.
E. A Motion Authorizing an Amendment to the School Resource Officer Agreement with Mahoning County Career & Technical Center (MCC&TC)
F. A Motion Amending A Contract Between the City of Canfield and the Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (Police Officers, Unit A; Dispatchers, Unit B; Lieutenants and Sergeants, Unit C) for years 2021,2022 and 2023.
G. A Motion Accepting the Water and Sanitary Sewer utilities for the land development plan known as Millennial Moments, Phase 1, located within the Millennial Moments JEDD Territory.
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